School starts in a week and a half and we have a lot of changes going on in the Hall house this year.
My oldest, Todd, starts middle school, and I have to admit, I am nervous. In preparation for this transition, we did go out and add him to our cellphone plan. I couldn't stand the fact of him being away from me and not having a cellphone for emergencies. He is allowed to text, but does not have internet access. We also set him up email and a facebook account to interact with his friends, however it will be monitored VERY closely! Open house at Todd's school is Tuesday night and I am very anxious to see how that goes.
Emily is going into 3rd grade this year and I think she will do fine. She will be switching classes between teachers this year, so it may be a little transition. She is still as dramatic as ever and cries at the drop of a hat, so I just hope she will at least walk to her classroom by herself this year. (Working at your kid's school can be a blessing and a curse.)
My little Mahala is starting Kindergarten this year, and I know that she will do fine. She has been looking forward to this for years now. I am so thankful that I will be in the same building as her and can peek in on her from time to time.
Emily and Mahala's open house is Thursday night.
My busy time at work starts Monday. We have training all day on Monday, opening day for staff on Thursday, and the rest of my week will be full with entering new students and putting schedules in Infinite Campus. It is an exciting time and I am looking forward to it.
Tony is starting the year subbing for a 4th grade teacher at Eubank who is on maternity leave. He is pretty excited about it, I think.
Oh, and for those of you who haven't checked yet, the menu for the first day of school says spaghetti for lunch, which my kids will not eat, so I guess I will be packing lunches on the first day. Hope that is not an indication of how the rest of the year will go................